I thought my first post should be on something current. Now, I’ve lost interest in Britain’s Got Talent and I really don’t care about Cheryl Cole’s current work situation but there is one recent topic I can talk about endlessly…Doctor Who.

I know this makes me sound like a supergeek, and the fact that I’m drinking a cup of tea from a Dalek mug that came with an Easter egg really doesn’t help the situation, but having said all this I am actually a normal 20 year old, promise. We all need things in our lives that we obsess over, and this just happens to be one of mine.

My mother can’t understand why loads of my friends, all in their twenties, still love this show. She obviously doesn’t appreciate the geekish charms of the lovely Matt Smith. Also, I’m not the only one to have admitted to having a girl-crush on the gorgeous Alex Kingston.

I was completely devoted to David Tennant and even stopped watching the show when he left, however, after seeing a couple of Matt Smith episodes my opinion did a complete U-turn. I then had to go back and catch up on all the episodes I’d missed as I really didn’t have a clue what was going on. And I agree, bowties are cool.

So then, River Song, a kind of space-age Lara Croft….did anyone guess who she was? I have to admit I did, especially when the name Melody Pond was mentioned, that was too much of a coincidence. Though as Steven Moffat said, the answer is as good as the question. So we now know that she is the daughter of Amy and Rory, but there’s got to be more to it than that. From the way she acts I think it’s fair to assume that she’s in some kind of relationship with the Doctor, if not married to him.

Also, this may be my imagination seeing things that weren’t there but, from episode one of the new series, I’ve had my suspicions that River and the Doctor may have a child of their own at some point, though I won’t go into that one right now.

Finally, there are still a lot of questions that have been left unanswered, for instance, where did the Doctor go at the end of the episode? How did he know where to find Melody?

Also does the Astronaut still kill the Doctor? And does River still die in the Library? It does seem kind of tragic that they’ve both seen each other die but can’t say anything about it with ripping a hole in the fabric of the universe (oh yes, I went there).

It does suck that they’ve gone all American on us and split the series into two parts though.

So bring on autumn!

Feel free to speculate, though no spoilers here please, we don’t want to upset Mr Moffat.